Market Watch

ERA Welcomes Chelsea Stewart
Posted on March 3, 2021 by ERA LandmakrRobyn Erlenbush, Broker/Owner of ERA Landmark Real Estate, is pleased to announce that sales associate Chelsea Stewart has joined our Bozeman office.
As a Bozeman native, Chelsea is passionate about the local community and the people who live here. Before her real estate career, Chelsea had started a successful salon in Bozeman as well as a downtown wine bar. Chelsea loves the energy and character that her hometown has to offer. As Bozeman continues to grow Chelsea is excited and inspired to stay on top of the market trends and provide authentic and genuine information and service to each and every person she works with. When she is not working, Chelsea can be found on the golf course with her husband Wes, drinking wine with her girlfriends and traveling both near and far. She is committed to representing your greatest interests and most valuable assets through integrity and truthfulness. Chelsea strives to make the buying and selling of real estate a fun and enjoyable process.
Chelsea believes a home is not just a place, but a FEELING. It’s the place where traditions are started and memories are made. Your home is your sanctuary, your safe space, and your very own little corner of the world. It’s a place where you are surrounded by the simple things that inspire you and decorated full of all your favorite belongings. A home is where you begin each morning and end each night. A home is a place of comfort, a spot to rest, and most importantly it is a space filled with love. It is her passion and mission to help each and every client find that feeling in something they are proud to call “home.”
Chelsea can be reached at 406-579-0740 or