Market Watch

2018 Economic Outlook Seminar
Posted on January 31, 2018 by Royelle EsterbyOn January 31st the 2018 Economic Outlook Seminar was held in Bozeman. The EOS highlighted economic trends for state, national and local economies. BBER economist Patrick Barkey and Paul Polzin presented an economic forecast for each seminar city. Alongside Barkely and Polzin, industry specialists provided an outlook on Montana's important sectors. Here is a quote from the 2018 EOS page to better explain the purpose of the seminar:
Higher education is a future-oriented business – educating and preparing the leaders of tomorrow. But what is the future for colleges and universities themselves? In an economy that increasingly rewards knowledge and expertise, the need to cultivate and grow a competitive, skilled and educated workforce is more vital than ever. Yet the way we do this and the way we pay for it has come under the microscope in recent years. This year's Economic Outlook Seminar examines the question of how Montana's higher education system returns value to all of us who live and work here.
For more information click here. Keynote Speaker, Robert Nystuen is Vice Chair of the Montana University Board of Regents was appointed in 2015 by Governor Steve Bullock. Nystuen's presentation was - The Future of Higher Education in Montana. A large amount of our ERA Landmark team attended including:
- Robyn Erlenbush
- Sharon Tudor-Isler
- Brian Tudor
- Debbie McEachron
- Bryce Sullivan
- Scott Molzahn
- Doug East
- Ray Atteberry
- TJ Anderson
- Kim Spain
- Carissa Paulson
- Jerad Biggerstaff
- Maggie Biggerstaff
- Ron Tabaczka
- Lisa Svendsen
- Orville Erlenbush