Market Watch
2022 Livingston Gingerbread Competition
Posted on December 6, 2022 by Becca QuackenbushERA Landmark Real Estate's annual Gingerbread House Competition was a sweet success! During Livingston's Christmas Stroll this last Friday, the community voted on their favorite gingerbread houses while enjoying hot chocolate and cookies and listening to spirited holiday ukulele music by a local group including our own Deb Kelly. "This year's Christmas Stroll was a blast! We had nearly 300 people vote on the Gingerbread House contest. Many people came in to hear the ukulele band and get hot chocolate and cookies and say hello. It was super fun to see all the kids bundled up and out to enjoy the evening. We even had a visit from the Grinch!" says Amanda Murphy. It was a memorable night and after nearly 300 votes were cast, we are happy to announce the winners!
Open Category
1st Place - Vay O'Brien 2nd Place - Emily Reedy
3rd/4th Tie - The Spur Line 3rd/4th Tie - The Roseberry Family
Youth Category
1st Place - Cora Roseberry 2nd Place - Ella & Vivian Kennedy
Agents & Staff of ERA
1st Place - Jessie & Everly Sarrazin 2nd Place - Deb Kelly 3rd Place - Melody Christopher
When we think about how much fun we have hosting our annual Gingerbread House competition during the Christmas Stroll, Sarah Swanson says it perfectly, "I love the Christmas Stroll and look forward to it every year. Seeing friends and families participating and getting into the holiday spirit reminds me why I love this community so much!"